Anzac day is one of our most significant national holidays – but it can be a difficult one to
share with children. On Anzac day we pause as a nation and take time to remember and
commemorate everyone who has served and those who are still serving our country.

Memories and connections

Anzac day is a special time for my family, I remember getting up early to attend the Dawn
Service. We would line the road and watch the soldiers march by. I was so impressed by
their colourful uniforms, shiny medals and bright red poppies. I remember looking around
and seeing sadness and pride on everyone's faces, as they remembered friends and family
who had served and fought. The memories of laying a wreath and listening to the last post
are very important to me. Many of you will also have special memories of Anzac Day, of
honouring loved ones and sharing their stories.

We shall remember them

When talking with children about tricky topics it is always best to be honest and use simple,
age appropriate language. Keeping our focus on the stories of mateship, courage and
kindness will help our children develop an appreciation and understanding of Anzac Day.
Some things you could try:
● Share your personal family stories and create your own traditions.
● Attend a Dawn Service or Anzac Day March as a family.
● Let children ask questions, give simple answers and share your feelings.
● Focus on our freedom and safety and how there are many people who have looked
after our country.
● Share stories of mateship, courage and kindness.
● Share a minute’s silence, silence is hard for children so give them an object (like a
photo or a poppy) to focus on.
● Engage children in practical activities:
○ Go to a local park and visit the War Memorial
○ Bake Anzac biscuits and share with friends and family
○ Make rosemary scented playdough
○ Do some craft together such as making poppies or lanterns.

Books and Anzac Day

Books are a wonderful way to build children’s understanding – especially on topics which can
be difficult to discuss. There are some wonderful books around discussing Anzac Day, find
these at your local bookstore, library or watch on YouTube.

Anzac Ted- by Belinda Lansberry

This is a beautiful story about a Teddy Bear who goes to war with a soldier and then is
passed down to the soldier's grandson. Anzac Ted is battered, torn, missing an eye and an
ear but he has a story to tell.

My Grandad Marches on Anzac Day- by Catriona Hay

This simple story introduces children to Anzac Day, as the young girl wakes early to attend
the Dawn Service to watch her Grandfather march.

Lest we forget- by Kerry Browns

This story of remembrance shares a young boy remembering special events in his life, which
the authors links to the lives of our soldiers.

Care Packages

Sending Care packages to our troops is a great way to get children involved in a practical
activity. There are many organisations who send packages, cards or letters which are
gratefully received by our troops. Find out what organisations in your area are doing.

Anzac Day, a significant day in our Nation.
We will Remember Them.