
These are a few of my favourite things . . .


By Emma Thomas


Christmas is fast approaching! It is such a wonderful time of the year, full of celebrations, events, good food and laughter. However there are also late nights, tired children and too much sugar! If you are feeling overwhelmed at the thought of the ‘Silly Season’, here are some things to try. 

Choose your favourite things

Most families receive invitations to many Christmas events and celebrations! Between concerts, break up parties and Christmas carols it is easy to feel like you spend all of December packing up to attend parties and then packing up to go home. 

Remember it’s ok to say no. Especially while your children are little, it can be just as much fun to have a Christmas movie night at home as it would be going out to a carols event. 

Think Local

We love looking at the Christmas lights and the thing my daughter is most excited about this year is going walking around our neighbourhood one evening with her cousins. We won’t visit many houses but walking at nighttime will be exciting!

Be specific with gifts

If you want your children to receive practical gifts, be proactive and make suggestions to friends and family. For your own gifts there are many different approaches you can adopt – like giving one large present and then a few small gifts in a stocking or following a gift giving rule like ‘something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read’. 

Cultivate Simplicity 

A huge Christmas dinner with all the trimmings is delicious! Everything handmade with care, roast turkey, chicken and ham, vegetables, salads, seafood and side, Christmas pudding, trifle, cake and custard! But if you finish the day worn out, is it really worth it? Many of us have multiple celebrations to attend so give yourself permission to simplify and enjoy. Can you buy roast chickens, wraps and pre-cut salad? If you’re making a dessert can you prepare double and freeze half? Good food brings us together, but being present is more important. 

Give as a family

At Christmas time there are so many celebrations that our children can get used to getting a gift at every event they attend! Make some time during the season to think about giving to others. There are many wonderful organisations and charities that you can support both in Australia and overseas. It can even be as simple as making cards for a nursing home or donating some extra groceries when doing your shopping. It’s wonderful if your children can have some ownership over the giving.